Friday, 30 January 2009

A year in 40 seconds

It's almost the end of January, and I haven't posted on this blog for nearly three weeks. I hope you haven't missed me too much!

The weeks have whizzed by. Whatever your age, you will probably have noticed that time seems to pass faster and faster each year. I have always believed that's because we experience the passing days as a proportion of our lives so far: when you are four, a year is a quarter of your life; but when you are forty, it is only a fortieth.


I was just about to wax all philosophical - or maybe even scientifical - about perceptions of time, but I caught myself before I began to waffle too much! The bottom line is, time is unpredictable: it depends on us, our moods and the people we spend it with ... in weird ways. Certain places seem to have their own time zones, too: time generally seems to move faster in bed, for instance; and classrooms and hospital waiting rooms are often Go Slow Zones.

We have all experienced an hour that has felt like a lifetime, and a year that has passed in about 40 seconds - like this video.

Did you know that Steven Hawkins says this, in his book A Brief History of Time:

"Disorder increases with time because we measure time
in the direction in which disorder increases."

Which seems to suggest that, if only we expected less chaos, time might move backwards! Perhaps we should try it? A sort of og-og with the flow?!

Flow x

1 comment:

  1. I reckon you're right with the proportional time thing but would also add that time seems to move quicker when we get older because we don't spend enough of it 'in the moment' studying what's around us. We ignore the details because we are too 'busy'. We should watch and learn from kids and rediscover our attention to detail.
