OK, now that it's December, I might just deign to start thinking about Christmas.
Left to my own devices, I would go and stay by a beach somewhere, deck the rocks with thousands of fairy lights, collect driftwood and light a big fire, and have a party with all my favourite people. No presents.
Of course the kids would never forgive me. For me, the best bits of Christmas are the socialising, and bringing extra light and warmth to the coldest time of year. But for them there's no doubt it's presents ... and sleeping in their own beds on Christmas eve so Santa can find them easily!
I do not enjoy Christmas shopping. I like giving gifts, but only when I find something that really suits a particular person. I don't like buying for the sake of buying, or the desperation you feel in the shops at this time of year. Everyone seems to take it so seriously.
But I have just found a website that will definitely help me thumb my nose at Christmas shopping! They're not paying me to advertise (honest!) but they have lots of truly ridiculous presents. A key-ring that you can pop like bubble wrap, for instance, and a shower-light that changes the colour of the water depending on its temperature.
One of the first things to catch my eye was a little package of Nothing. Literally. As the website says: "This lovingly crafted vial of emptiness is filled to the brim with unfettered nothingness. Free from the burden of possessions, the weight of responsibility, Nothing is as idiotic as it is brilliant. It's a statement, an empty gesture if you will, a nod at the futility of ownership, and yet despite 'Nothing' being nothing, it is of course packed with millions of protons, neutrons and what have you, which is pretty good for Nothing".
It's the perfect 'go-go with the flow' gift: simultaneously deep 'n' meaningful and utterly daft!
And THIS absurd little creature is another favourite. It's a flying pig, powered by elastic. "Next time someone poo poos your brilliant idea with a 'Pigs might Fly' comment, you can prove that they do by catapulting this ballistic Babe across the room". That sounds like a challenge to me!
And here's a challenge for you ... If you come across any silly gadgets and gizmos - ones that make you laugh out loud - let me know. Let's show 'em what we really mean by Christmas cheer!
Flow x
Apropros of 'nothing' - i.e. nothing to do with this post at all (how else can fellow bloggers get in touch with 'Flow' other than via posting comments?) - I was wondering how 'Go-Go With The Flow' casual sex is. Care to comment?
ReplyDeleteThis is what Someone I Know once thought: http://boringjohn.blogspot.com/2006/05/casual-s.html
Casual sex?
ReplyDeleteWell, I've resisted (strike that) .. ALMOST resisted the urge to answer "Why, are you offering?"
But I have nothing sensible to say ... I'll let you know when/if I do.